Brush Jump - POA
The Brush Jump is built to last with Australian timber. The Brush Box jump is able to be painted or stained or leave it in the beautiful natural colour. This base will allow you to add brush that can add a rustic or elaborate feel to your arena. This type of obstacle is closely related to the bullfinch and pony brush fence because they are solid fences but the designing and size is different.
Did you know an early form of show jumping first was incorporated into the Olympic Games in 1900. As the most earliest forms of jumping were done cross country and not in an arena, they could not be used in the Olympics, but jumps were created, like our Brush Jump, to start having horse jumping where spectators could sit and watch. Having a Brush Jump, like the one shown here, is perfect for your arena as it is made to be set up like the jumps used all over. Show jumping in its current format appeared in the 1912 Olympics, and has thrived ever since, its recent popularity due in part to its suitability as a spectator sport which is well adapted for viewing on television.
Our standard and workmanship surpasses any of our competition when it comes to each of our horse jumps. You cannot go wrong with the Brush Jump every arena should have one of our solid obstacles, like our brush box, to jump over. Not only is it built with Australia's timber, it can be customized to suit your needs.